

What is Moderation February?

Moderation February™ is a new concept for 2024 riding the wave of Dry January’s popularity over the last decade. The premise is simple:

Moderation February™ is a commitment to yourself using a set of tools that allows you to EASE BACK INTO DRINKING after a month without alcohol.

Whereas Dry January is a fixed period of time that requires drastic behavioral changes for most participants, Moderation February™ offers tangible tools and tactics you can literally carry with you--not just in February - but any day, any week, or any month throughout the year to help lower your alcohol consumption.

My name is Sam, and like many of you I have tried Dry January. Some years I succeeded, but other years failed.   I know a lot of people who’ve completed Dry January –  but then ended up in February drinking more than they normally do to “make up for lost time “ to counteract  a month of abstinence. Some call it “revenge drinking.” Many quotes from Dry January veterans sound more like survival than actual lifestyle changes. “I just gotta tough it out… or get through this,” etc…….  So many people end up just counting the days until February 1st when they can drink again.

Like so many fad diets that have come and gone over the years, Dry January has its limitations. It has been scientifically proven that anyone can make behavioral changes for short periods of time—1 day, 1 week, or 1 month--but the true measure of any behavioral change is SUSTAINABILITY…. Can you make the changes in your life for the LONG TERM to get the benefit you seek?

I created a tool that has changed my relationship with alcohol, and consistently limits my intake to just TWO DRINKS on the days I choose to deploy it.  This tool is so unique and powerful  that I have a PATENT PENDING on it, and it’s so effective it comes with a PERSONAL GUARANTEE that it works.  

This tool has literally changed my life, and it can work for you as well. It is the cornerstone of MODERATION FEBRUARY™.

Moderation Movement LLC. All Rights Reserved. Moderation Movement LLC holds the pending trademarks and copyrights to The First Round Last Call Challenge Coin™